Educational technology

Results: 32184

71Education / Educational psychology / Educational technology / Teacher education / 8 learning management questions / Culturally relevant teaching

Hollins & CrockettClinical Experiences in the Preparation of Candidates for Teaching Underserved Students Etta R. Hollins Professor and Kauffman Endowed Chair

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Language: English - Date: 2015-04-27 15:46:26
72Education / Euthenics / Tax evasion / Financial regulation / Money laundering / Terrorism / Alternative education / Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering / Terrorism financing / Professional certification / Educational technology / Vocational education

Professional training and qualifications in Anti Money Laundering Governance, Risk and Compliance Financial Crime Prevention

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Language: English - Date: 2015-06-11 10:41:54
73Education / Dundee / Subdivisions of Scotland / University of Dundee / Adult education / Abertay University / NHS Tayside / Community education / Tayside / Educational technology

R3L+ Quality Framework For Learning RegionsLLPDE-GRUNDTVIG-GMP Background Report: Scotland, UK Partner P4, University of Glasgow / Prof. Mike Osborne & Dr Muir Houston

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Language: English - Date: 2011-12-23 21:50:46
74Education / Learning / Distance education / Blended learning / Educational technology / Virtual school / Distributed learning / Charter schools in the United States / Online degree / Florida Virtual School


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Language: English - Date: 2012-06-22 18:32:09
75Robot kits / Educational toys / Embedded systems / Robotics / Lego Mindstorms / Technology / Lego Technic / Lego / For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology / Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 / Lego Mindstorms EV3

Lego NXT Bike Building Instruction Joep Mutsaerts May 20th, 2010 Delft University of Technology

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Language: English - Date: 2010-05-21 03:02:08
76Web accessibility / Design / Web design / Software / World Wide Web / Assistive technology / Disability / Educational technology / Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act / Accessibility / Screen reader / VMware vSphere

vSphere Web Client 5.5 VPAT: VMware, Inc.

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Language: English
77Education / Academia / Educational psychology / Cognition / Accessibility / Educational assessment / Educational technology / Linguistics / Usability / Meaning / English-language learner

Solano-Flores et al-ConFmwk LangVar Item Accsbl_102022_gsf.docx

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Language: English - Date: 2015-09-08 19:18:20
78Education / Educational psychology / Canvas / YouView / Educational technology / Digital media

Barbara Crouch Traci Fox Connecting with Canvas

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Language: English - Date: 2016-02-03 14:04:06
79Education / Knowledge / Academia / Digital divide / Literacy / Information literacy / Information science / Information and communications technology / MERLOT / Open educational resources / Information and communication technologies for development / OER4Schools

For students to learn, they must know how to physically and intellectually access, engage with, and use information in its varied formats. “ICT proficiency is the ability to use digital

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Language: English - Date: 2016-07-11 21:44:28
80Education / Distance education / Educational psychology / Course evaluation / Educational technology

Education Justice Project COURSE COORDINATOR EJP’s Course Coordinator oversees the delivery of for-credit classes at Danville prison. This is our most important program at the prison, and this coordinator position is k

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Language: English - Date: 2016-04-17 09:57:36